Temperature chamber TK-CKLT

Photo: Temperature chamber TK-CKLT
Photo: Temperature chamber TK-CKLT

Temperature chamber for long-term stability testing in the pharmaceutical and food industries, calibration laboratory, testing laboratory. Has a controller with user friendly interface, advance settings options, RS-232, USB or Ethernet communication ports.

The temperature chamber Kambic TK-CKLT has a working measuring range with controlled temperature and relative humidity. Data loggers and sensors calibration, "accelerated ageing" and stress tests.


  • Material temperature resistance and product testing;

  • Access port with both end plugs Ø 40 as standard, Ø 50 or Ø 90 as accessory;

  • Stable, silent, vibration free climatic conditions;

  • Maintenance of temperature stability;

  • Sample conditioning prior to other tests;

  • Calibration of data loggers and sensors;

  • Temperature controlled test polygon;

  • Ethernet port;

  • USB port;

  • Printer;

  • Connection to a personal computer.


50, 105, 190, 340, 500, 1000 liters

Temperature range

-40 °C ... +180 °C

Temperature resolution

0.1 °C

Validation port

Ø 40 mm (Ø 50 / Ø 90 mm optional)


RS 232 (USB / Ethernet optional)