The Technical committee on accreditation “Metrology” established by the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) started its work on March 1, 2021.
The principal functions of the Committee are the development of methodical recommendations, preparation of proposals to improve the accreditation process, expansion of the circle of technical experts, assessment, and processing of special requirements, and additional criteria for the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies carrying out their activities in the metrology area.
The committee on the instructions of NAAU:
develops draft normative documents on accreditation;
takes part in the development of accreditation rules, procedures, and programs;
takes part in the organization of translation of national standards of other countries into the national language;
provides advisory support, while performing accreditation documentation review.
The composition of the Technical committee on accreditation “Metrology” has been approved by the Order of NAAU No. 54od of March 3, 2021. The representative of VALIDATION CENTER Dmitrii Smorodskii, the chief of the calibration laboratory, has joined the Committee.
In accordance with our business activities, VALIDATION CENTER also represents the interests of calibration laboratories accredited by NAAU for compliance with the State Standards of Ukraine (DSTU) EN ISO/IEC 17025 in the Technical Committee.